Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Sony CEO Stan Glasgow to Explore Future of 3D at SID"

Sony Electronics’ President and Chief Operating Officer Stan Glasgow will deliver the keynote address during the Society for Information Display (SID) Conference. Glasgow will describe Sony’s vision of the future, with 3D emerging as the next great platform for home entertainment. Look for Sony making a big push for its 3D TVs in advance of major sporting events and films it will release during 2010. R.C.J.

Drawing upon Sony’s work on implementing 3D capabilities in its professional cameras, digital cinema 4K projection systems and other equipment, as well as consumer products including TVs, Blu-ray disc players, and gaming consoles, Glasgow will provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities in the 3D platform. Because in 3D, ‘seeing is believing’, Sony will be creating a 3D cinema experience within the Business Conference using their 3D equipment. Specifically, they will use: a Sony SRXR320 3D Projector, a Silver Screen to show the 3D images and distribute 3D glasses for attendees. Attendees will be treated to a mixture of content from Sony and other content providers, including movies, live sporting events, gaming and other entertainment. The release of numerous 3D movies has created a tremendous amount of interest in 3D beyond the cinema. But in moving from the cinema to the home, there are additional challenges. In his presentation, Glasgow will describe Sony’s concept of the “lens-to-living room” ecosystem for 3D, encompassing content creation, processing, delivery and viewing in the home.